
Preise der Baukultur

Preis für realisierte Projekte

Mies van der Rohe Award | European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture

Thema Architektur
Reichweite europaweit
Art des Preises Preis für realisierte Projekte
Dotierung Insgesamt 80.000 EUR (Hauptpreis: 60.000 EUR, Emerging Architect-Preis: 20.000 EUR) sowie Skulptur
The Prize consists of 60.000 € and the Special Mention consists of 20.000 € with both receiving a sculpture that evokes the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion of Barcelona.
Verfahren Nominierung
Zulassung Für die deutschen Nominierungen reichen die Länderarchitektenkammern und die im Architects Council of Europe ACE vertretenen Verbände Vorschläge bei der Bundesarchitektenkammer ein. Eine Jury entscheidet dort über die deutschen Nominierungen.
Gründungsjahr 1988
Intervall alle zwei Jahre
Jury Jury, composed of acknowledged specialists representing diverse schools and trends in the field of architecture and architectural criticism as well as the institutions involved
Auslober Fundació Mies van der Rohe
Kontakt Fundació Mies van der Rohe
Barcelona (Spain)
Ansprechpartner/in Ivan Blasi, Prize Team - Coordinator

Die Europäische Kommission und die Mies van der Rohe-Stiftung in Barcelona würdigen mit dem renommierten Preis die jeweils beste europäische Architektur - und zeichnen jeweils ein junges Büro als vielversprechende Nachwuchskraft aus.

For each biennial edition, the Jury, composed of acknowledged specialists representing diverse schools and trends in the field of architecture and architectural criticism as well as the institutions involved, will select from the nominations a single work to be awarded the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award and a single work by an emerging architect or team of architects, to be granted the Emerging Architect Special Mention.

The principal objectives are to recognise and commend excellence in the field of architecture and to draw attention to the important contribution of European professionals in the development of new concepts and technologies. The Prize also sets out to promote the profession by encouraging architects working throughout the entire European Union and by supporting young architects as they set off on their careers.

The Prize has been a collective project from its inception. The organisational network has been growing with each successive edition and includes the collaboration of the institutions that form part of the Steering Committe, who are co-organisers and the Advisory Committee, the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) member associations and other European architects’ associations, who are partners in the organisation of the Prize. Nominations for works will be put forward by the ACE-member architectural associations, the other European national architects’ associations, and a substantial group of independent experts specialising in contemporary architecture, as well as by the Advisory Committee.

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