Planning of a low-energy house

Prokon, 1st building phase, Itzehoe

Das Niedrigenergiehaus wurde weitestgehend aus vorgefertigten Bauteilen gebaut © Clarke & Kuhn Architekten
Offene Verkehrsflächen im Atrium werden zu Orten der Kommunikation © Clarke & Kuhn Architekten

The office building for Prokon is a two-storey structure of wood panel construction. The interior spatial concept was developed from the typology of an atrium house. Thus, all offices and ancillary spaces are grouped around the central space and are reached via open circulation areas.

This project was discussed in the network series “wieweiterarbeiten – Workspaces of the Future“.

Categories Working
Region Nordrhein-Westfalen
Developer Prokon Energiesysteme GmbH, Itzehoe

Clarke und Kuhn freie Architekten BDA, Berlin

Completion 2001
Planning period 2000-2001
Size / area 1,350 m²
Documentation Plans Prokon Itzehoe (PDF)
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