Residential neighbourhood with mixed use

French Quarter, Tübingen

Mischung aus Bestandsgebäuden (links) und Neubauten (rechts) © Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Blick in die zentrale Aixer Straße © Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Blick in die Aixer Straße © Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Gewerbliche Erdgeschosszone mit Wohnungen in den Obergeschossen © niversitätsstadt Tübingen © Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Wohnen und Arbeiten in vertikaler Mischung © Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Isometrie des Französischen Viertels
Blick durch ein Bestandsgebäude mit Handwerksbetrieb in eine der Quartiersstraßen © Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Spielende Kinder vor einem Handwerksbetrieb inmitten des Viertels
© Universitätsstadt Tübingen
© Universitätsstadt Tübingen
Lageplan des Französischen Viertels (M 1:1.2500) © Kartengrundlage: FAB Geoinformation und EDV, Stand: März 2013)
© Universitätsstadt Tübingen

In the Südstadt district, the City of Tübingen has, since the mid-1990s, been in the process of implementing its largest urban development project. Following the French military’s withdrawal from several large barracks in southern Tübingen in 1991, the city took the opportunity to upgrade the district, which was affected by urban deficiencies in some areas. The converted land was used for the creation of much-needed housing along with commercial space.
After the decades-long practice of the separation of uses, which led to the creation of mono-functional and lifeless residential and commercial areas in almost every community, in Tübingen there was a conscious decision for the Südstadt development to not resort to this planning principle, but to instead pursue the goal of recombining living and working based on the model of the European city. Through a mixture of uses and small-scale plot division as well as social, typological, and functional diversity, neighbourhoods with a high degree of urbanity are anticipated.

Categories Working
Urban planning
Region Baden-Württemberg
Developer City of Tübingen (infrastructure development, public space); building cooperatives, housing associations, individual property owners, social facilities (buildings)

LEHEN drei Architektur Stadtplanung, Stuttgart

Completion 2008
Planning period 1993-2008
Documentation Plan French Quarter (PDF)
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